Monday, July 30, 2012

Solving All Your Problems

If you can not make your anger come up, things should be okay.  I dunno, just think ... everyone has something of an evil side.  Why get mad over people just being concerned about your actions or attitude?

Severing Relationships

That's all some people do.

Why make people think of curse words?

I guess they want to get it out, see if you're ready to socialize with them.

A Message to Do With Negativity

I've received the message from England that, if a curse word or something like that happens, it was something that was supposed to happen.  This is when it is like a response that you can't control at the moment or something.  You were unable to fathom what was going on.

Being Negative

It shouldn't be in the program.  It's interesting when people think they might touch dire issues.

Dodging Things Yet Getting Things Out

I'm literally dodging anything that has to do with curse words, like I mean in what I talk about, if something comes up, even if it's about something someone else seems to have done, which might just be "getting it out."

Not Wanting Me to Function

I have a feeling people don't even want me to have things down.  I got mad and made a noise or something that sounded more harsh, and I think that's lighted a new fire.

I don't want to sit here and do nothing but unneeded things.  Obviously, I'm onto something, though.  :|

Words Words Words

So, don't make a big deal of certain words like "stupid."  Don't have to use them.  If others get mad and do, please, do not make them feel worse.

Going Through My Thoughts

It seems like I have to go through some things in my mind and that a blog is just the way to do it..  I wonder if I should even take a break from exercising, but I don't think so.  I settle thoughts, that way, too.  Also, that's a basic need.

My Mood and Working

I guess I've gotta wait until my mood stabilizes.  I'm quite sure it has to do with better housekeeping.

Why drive people nuts?

If someone is more settled in a more classical way, why would you assume you had it down by being more, like, childlike?  Practice makes perfect, and I haven't seen certain things happen, yet, and it seems like they should have.  I understand if you're really doing something, but, if you want to put on a show, why not nail down certain consistencies to make people feel alright?  By alright I mean comfortable, settled, not like there's something that's gonna drive them nuts.

Antsy Issues?

Whenever I've settled from a downer, I've ricocheted back because of problems from other people.

Differences of Functioning

When you use bad times to your advantage, making use of the dark, how does that relate to making sure someone doesn't feel happiness when something bad has happened?  I suppose there is a difference from being able to feel happy to being able to settle differences.

Wound Up

I get worried about getting wound up, but I'm just making things better.

My Sanity

Wow, the blog is nailing down my sanity.  I regret my anger.  I don't know what to do.  I was helping out, did the dishes twice and am on a second load of towels.  I think I've adapted to the new protocols.  I wasn't literally thinking bad thoughts.  They popped up in my head, and I couldn't deal with what angered me.  So, in a way, I was doing something, but I wasn't trying to do it.  Sometimes it doesn't make me mad.  I know what made me mad.  Something was stimulating me in an uncomfortable way that I regret.  I'm not sure what to do about that.  I don't feel it now.

Doing Things to Annoy Others

Some people do some things just to annoy others, even if it looks like they really aren't having a good time, at all, in certain ways.  You wonder if their options were closed.  You wonder why they were outrageous, to begin with.  Most people are like that, today, for some reason.

Ingrained in Your Head

Why do people think you have a problem if you have things stuck in your head that other people do on purpose?  I thought everyone was important.  Those people don't care.

New Fans of Johnny Depp and Tim Burton

Does it make you happy to see people shy away from admitting they are fans of Johnny Depp and Tim Burton because they have kids though aren't married technically.  I'm sure they do that to annoy other fans from administering normal conversations with others online.  Instead, we have people foreign enough to come on and, for no reason, be overly critical of them, doing suggestive things, even.  It has happened a lot, but I think the newer posters are younger and merely shaping themselves into how they think predecessors were cool, maybe not being serious, though before I know they were and were doing it to annoy the fans.  It was mainly annoying in that it was like smothering them to be stimulated through insults, like buckering them up.  However, they bucker them up over your head, and it's nagging.  It doesn't bother me, any more.  I gradually got used to it.  It helped me vent my frustrations, and I answer them correcting them but not being critical of them too much.  I am just thankful they care more than just stating something that doesn't dig into the essence and substance of it.

People Surrounding You Whenever They See You

What do you think about people stimulating you if you can't help thinking certain things or if you look like you're doing something you're not trying to do?  I know I'm in the process of cleaning up my thoughts and am not drawn to using curse words.

High Expectations

What do you think about people thinking being good, for some people, makes it not good for you because you can't fathom, at the moment, doing something you expect others to do.

What do you think about waiting?

What do you think about how some people do want some things but want to wait, and, then, when you know something about it, you do it with someone else, instead, and prevent them from doing it?  In that case, you may as well had done it with the other person, instead of shaming it in their name with another choice, just to be annoying and risky for fun.

Monday, July 23, 2012